The sphinx (part II)
Two weeks after the discovery, one of the scientists noticed that the sculpture was slightly different in some parts, compared to the first captures. Discarding the possibility of a natural deterioration due to its space course, mainly because in that time period nothing crossed its path, the scientist decided to zoom up at its maximum level the optic sensor of the satellite. Although the device could not record video, it could shot a remarkable amount of sequential pictures.
-Dr. Borrows, take a look at this -said Dr. Sands.
Both were good fellows since a long time ago, when they entered the Space Program.
Most of the pictures showed nothing relevant, but, as they were inspecting them carefully, a very strange figure showed up in one of them.
-It's's a cockroach?? -babbled Dr. Borrows.
-It really looks like! -replied Dr. Sands-look!, here's another one, and a third one!.
-Wait a minute, can cockroaches survive in the outter space?? -asked Dr. Borrows.
According to the sequence of pictures, they were moving and thus, alive. After studying the pictures for several hours, both scientists reached an even more mind blowing conclusion. The cockroaches were sculpting the statue!
-That doesn't make any sense Phil -whispered Dr. Borrows -we'd better stop investigating this.
-Think about it Anthony, the ancient cultures of Egypt worshiped the cockroaches, there are plenty of them on their hieroglyps. Here's the answer. They're more intelligent than we think and they're probably responsible too of the construction of the piramids!
-Stop, please, you are going too far! -shouted Dr.Borrows
-Ok, then explain me what you have just seen tonight -asked Dr. Sands.
-I can't, but I neither can admit your theories. We should throw those pictures and forget this.
-Sooner or later this is going to be unveiled, you can't hide the truth just because you don't like it -replied firmly Dr. Sands.
-Not necessarily, Phil. Maybe when they finish the statue, they'll go away and nobody will know about this.
The two scientists looked each other for a long silent second.
-So you're telling me that human kind is not ready for this? -asked Dr. Sands.
-To admit that we are not the most evolved species in the planet? That a mere disgusting insect is way more intelligent than us?. No, I don't think so.
Phil instantly understood and recognized the wise words of his partner and changed his mind.
They both destroyed all the pictures and let the mistery of the sphinx unresolved for ever. As Dr. Borrows stated, the little inhabitants of the satellite abandoned it few days after.
The same year, Dr. Sands left his position at the facilities and started to investigate by his own the insects and specifically the cockroaches.
His astonishing discoveries were kept in secret until now, but that is another story.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
-Dr. Borrows, take a look at this -said Dr. Sands.
Both were good fellows since a long time ago, when they entered the Space Program.
Most of the pictures showed nothing relevant, but, as they were inspecting them carefully, a very strange figure showed up in one of them.
-It's's a cockroach?? -babbled Dr. Borrows.
-It really looks like! -replied Dr. Sands-look!, here's another one, and a third one!.
-Wait a minute, can cockroaches survive in the outter space?? -asked Dr. Borrows.
According to the sequence of pictures, they were moving and thus, alive. After studying the pictures for several hours, both scientists reached an even more mind blowing conclusion. The cockroaches were sculpting the statue!
-That doesn't make any sense Phil -whispered Dr. Borrows -we'd better stop investigating this.
-Think about it Anthony, the ancient cultures of Egypt worshiped the cockroaches, there are plenty of them on their hieroglyps. Here's the answer. They're more intelligent than we think and they're probably responsible too of the construction of the piramids!
-Stop, please, you are going too far! -shouted Dr.Borrows
-Ok, then explain me what you have just seen tonight -asked Dr. Sands.
-I can't, but I neither can admit your theories. We should throw those pictures and forget this.
-Sooner or later this is going to be unveiled, you can't hide the truth just because you don't like it -replied firmly Dr. Sands.
-Not necessarily, Phil. Maybe when they finish the statue, they'll go away and nobody will know about this.
The two scientists looked each other for a long silent second.
-So you're telling me that human kind is not ready for this? -asked Dr. Sands.
-To admit that we are not the most evolved species in the planet? That a mere disgusting insect is way more intelligent than us?. No, I don't think so.
Phil instantly understood and recognized the wise words of his partner and changed his mind.
They both destroyed all the pictures and let the mistery of the sphinx unresolved for ever. As Dr. Borrows stated, the little inhabitants of the satellite abandoned it few days after.
The same year, Dr. Sands left his position at the facilities and started to investigate by his own the insects and specifically the cockroaches.
His astonishing discoveries were kept in secret until now, but that is another story.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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