The whatsapp anomaly
-Hey bro!, are you near? -typed on his smartphone with an apparent easiness.
The device tinkled a few seconds later, while Tom was crossing the street at Park Ave, heading to Nightingale Gardens. He was about to meet his eldest brother Charlie, after a very long time without seeing each other.
-Bad news Tom, I'm really late. Tom read confused the message and texted back immediately.
-You mean..? -he answered a bit confused. He stopped in the middle of the street waiting for the next message to show.
One minute, two minutes, nothing. Just before Tom was about to call Charlie, a new message showed up.
-Would you mind if we meet at Trafalgar instead?
Tom read the text with a remarkable expression of disapproval on his face. And in that moment he remembered how many times Charlie drove him mad with similar behaviours.
-Are you serious?, I'm just two streets away from nightingale's!! -and he added an angry face.
-I'm sorry, I'll tell you later. we meet there in one hour? You can take the subway
Tom tightened his teeth and mumbled some unrecognizable sounds, visibly upset.
-Ok man -replied briefly.
Only 10 minutes later, when Tom was about to get to the subway entrance, the ground under his feet began to shake slighlty but significantly. And right after, a loud sound could be heard in the air.
Tom instinctively turned his head in all directions, but everybody around was just as surprised as him.
-Look there! -screamed a pedestrian while he pointed east to the sky.
A dark smoke column arised suddenly from the buildings in the distance, not far away from where he was coming.
Tom stood there a few minutes, without a clue on what to do. The sound of ambulance sirens and police cars started to invade the ambience. Realizing that a terrorist attack could be the cause, he started to run in the same direction the people was running, like obeying a collective consciousness.
His worst fears where confirmed. But nothing could prepare him for what was about to happen. As he gazed terrified at the debris in the street, the burning cars and the fallen trees, he identified the face of his brother being covered by a white blanket on the floor. And right in that moment, his pocket vibrated notifying an incoming message.
-Take care of mom. I love you.
Absolutely dazed, Tom scrolled up and down the conversation with Charlie and suddenly and for no reason, all the messages from his brother began to dissapear in front of his eyes, even the last one, staying only his own replies, in a nonsense monologue.
Somehow, somewhere, in some undefined time, Charlie knew what was about to happen and he managed to keep away Tom from it.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The device tinkled a few seconds later, while Tom was crossing the street at Park Ave, heading to Nightingale Gardens. He was about to meet his eldest brother Charlie, after a very long time without seeing each other.
-Bad news Tom, I'm really late. Tom read confused the message and texted back immediately.
-You mean..? -he answered a bit confused. He stopped in the middle of the street waiting for the next message to show.
One minute, two minutes, nothing. Just before Tom was about to call Charlie, a new message showed up.
-Would you mind if we meet at Trafalgar instead?
Tom read the text with a remarkable expression of disapproval on his face. And in that moment he remembered how many times Charlie drove him mad with similar behaviours.
-Are you serious?, I'm just two streets away from nightingale's!! -and he added an angry face.
-I'm sorry, I'll tell you later. we meet there in one hour? You can take the subway
Tom tightened his teeth and mumbled some unrecognizable sounds, visibly upset.
-Ok man -replied briefly.
Only 10 minutes later, when Tom was about to get to the subway entrance, the ground under his feet began to shake slighlty but significantly. And right after, a loud sound could be heard in the air.
Tom instinctively turned his head in all directions, but everybody around was just as surprised as him.
-Look there! -screamed a pedestrian while he pointed east to the sky.
A dark smoke column arised suddenly from the buildings in the distance, not far away from where he was coming.
Tom stood there a few minutes, without a clue on what to do. The sound of ambulance sirens and police cars started to invade the ambience. Realizing that a terrorist attack could be the cause, he started to run in the same direction the people was running, like obeying a collective consciousness.
His worst fears where confirmed. But nothing could prepare him for what was about to happen. As he gazed terrified at the debris in the street, the burning cars and the fallen trees, he identified the face of his brother being covered by a white blanket on the floor. And right in that moment, his pocket vibrated notifying an incoming message.
-Take care of mom. I love you.
Absolutely dazed, Tom scrolled up and down the conversation with Charlie and suddenly and for no reason, all the messages from his brother began to dissapear in front of his eyes, even the last one, staying only his own replies, in a nonsense monologue.
Somehow, somewhere, in some undefined time, Charlie knew what was about to happen and he managed to keep away Tom from it.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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