Moon (part II)
The chances of creating an uncontrolled event with the experiments taking place in the LHC were very unlikely. However, the worst scenario took place at 11:23h local time of March 9. The collision of two particles created a tiny black hole, that should have been consumed by itself due to the lack of energy. It was not the firt time it happened. But this time was different. The exotic particles behaved in an unpredicted way, releasing an amount of energy enough to feed the hole and making it increase its size exponentially.
The catastrophic event devoured around 90% of earth in less thant 8 hours. The remaining 10% of the shattered earth stayed orbiting around the black hole, once it stabilized itself.
The visible side of the moon took the hit of thousand of debris from earth, and only due to this, should have altered its orbit. But it didn't.
Doctor Brand opened an eye, feeling dizzy, and laying on the floor, with her helmet and suit on. She saw the rest of the team also laying down, and trying to stand up. Only Romilly was completely quiescent. The kunar base was partially damaged by the dust storm, with big holes opened on the walls of the main room. Romilly couldn't reach his helmet faster enough and the lack of oxygen killed him.
-What has happened? Shit!! What was that? -yelled Doyle
-Romilly didn't make it, oh god, this is not happening! -said nervously Brand
-Calm down everybody -said Dallas. We must contact Ground Control, report the damages and try somehow to alter the mission schedule. We can't stay here any longer.
-Romilly is dead! -shouted Cooper, still figuring out what was going on.
Dallas tried to contact the mission control but nothing was coming out from the communications channel. Then he remembered the strange data the system was displaying right before the dust storm.
-I have a bad feeling -said Cooper, once he recovered the composure. Check the images from the moon orbiting satellite we use for communications, it must be in the visible side of the moon right now, but instead of pointing the built-in camera to the moon, focus on the earth.
Then they finally understood. There was no earth, just an asteroid belt orbiting something they couldn't see. And nothing else, the void of the universe. They were petrified. Shocked.
-There's no earth to come back. We're trapped on this rock. We're the last humans -mumbled Doyle for himself.
Then Doctor Brand started to talk again.
-Point the camera back to the moon, please -asked Dallas
The moon was now unrecognizable. The amount of impacts devastated most of the surface, leaving only a few places untouched.
But then they realized something else.
-That's even stranger. Look at those reflections -said Dallas. He zoomed in as much as the camera allowed and then they could remark the weird composition of the inner surface, once the impacts cleared the outter layers. And it wasn't natural. It was bright, smooth...and sort of metallic.
To be continued (I'm afraid there's going to be a part III)

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