Moon (part III)
-The moon is..artificial?? - mumbled Dallas, with big eyes.
-I think we have bigger problems right now, Dallas -answered Brand.
-We are goig to run out of supplies sooner or later. We have no place to come back. What are the odds of getting out of it? -asked her to the void.
-We have to go to the other side of the moon -said Doyle. Whatever that thing is, our best chance is going there, and find out. Maybe we are not going to like what we discover, but it's better than staying here until we die.
Dallas and Doctor Brand agreed, Cooper was still in shock but nodded looking at them.
A few hours later, they were all packed and ready to take off, to make a half orbit towards the bright side of the satellite. Once they reached the meridian, they started to spot the bizarre composition of the surface. Silence interrupted by the computer beeps was the only sounds onboard.
-Look down there! -screamed Cooper -it looks like a little elevation, with a side entrance.
They landed a mile away from the strange construction, with a big din, rumbling on the surface and provoking a noisable vibration. The ground was truly kind of metal, but completely uniform. All four crew members headed to the entrance, which looked more like a rectangular hole. Other small elevations surrounded the area. Once inside, their presence activated some sort of mechanism and a faint blue light illuminated the room. It was circular, with no borders, and the ceiling was a sort of dome.
Suddenly, the ground started to move down slightly, and then much faster, like an elevator. They could not calculate how long were they descending, but they all felt like it was an eternity.
The room started to slow down, and the wall where once was the entrance, now was showing a complete new scenario. They were contemplating the inside of a giant spaceship, lightyears from human knowledge. Large structures in the middle looked like power generators, running like in a stand-by mode. Long pipes crossed from side to side in all directions. Everything was smooth, like designed by a very evolved species.
But somehow, everything looked inanimated, nothing else but the continuous background sound of the generators could be heard. Nothing was moving, everything looked turned off. Taking a closer look, the spaceship seemed to be abandoned, a long time ago.
-Biggest discovery of all mankind-said astonished Doctor Brand.
-As far as I know, we are all the mankind left-replayed Cooper.
-Maybe we can find out how to run this ship, and maybe we can find its true owners. -said Doyle.
-Looks like the parameters of our mission have changed-said ironically Dallas.
-Shit!-protested Brand. I just made up my mind to lose sight of you, Cooper.

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